
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Not All Prime Rib Is Equal

A couple announcements before we dive into the "meat" of this post.

1. The November Shirt Giveaway is ON!  Send me pictures of the food you eat this month for a chance at winning a free Greg's Gourmet t-shirt.  It's so free I'm practically giving it away!  Click the shirt picture to the right to go to the post with all of the information.

2. Friend and frequent contributor to Greg's Gourmet, LandonWhereBrandon, is launching a new website to showcase his work.  Examples include a "verlet-integration-based physics engine".  Translation: It's this really cool application where you can crash balls into each other.  Kinda like a Flash game.  Just check it out.

3. What's up with these ridiculous "fees" that banks are enacting?  Debit fees?  Monthly maintenance fees?  Are you kidding me?  If anything, I hope these "fees" maintain a record of how many customers switch banks because of this nonsense.

Anyway, onto more pleasant matters.  I don't typically do double features of the same place, but I thought this subject deserved to be touched on.  The other day I went to the $11.75 All-You-Can-Eat Prime Rib Buffet.  I downed my usual three steaks, but what's so vexing this time around is that all three steaks were dramatically different from one another.  For example:

Check out this behemoth of a steak

This was the third steak I had and initially was very excited due to its size and color.  However as I began consuming this miracle of cooked beef, this happened:'s still alive...

I don't mind rare meat.  In fact, I enjoy it.  But when it starts to pulsate blood all over my plate, that's where I draw the line.  Actually, the first half of this steak was really good.  Tender, juicy - all that good stuff.  So while the third steak was still alive in some sort of cooked purgatory, the second steak they went a little too far to the point where it was like chewing on a tire:

Steak 2

This one was well done to the point where it was chewy, tough, and lacked the magical flavor that makes prime rib so delicious.  What makes this case unique is that on my visit prior to this one, the three steaks I had were all well done/overcooked to the point where they simply didn't taste good.  I thought it may have been lack of seasoning initially, but I think it was just cooked too long.  But this is what's kind of weird - see the steak above?  It's got a pinkish hue!  Well done I don't believe has that much pink, if any.  So I don't know.  I know this has to be an exception to the rule because the first steak I had:

It's like learning that Van Halen is finally making a new album - awesome

Absolutely beautiful.  This was an insanely delicious steak.  Tender, juicy, flavorful, big, nice color, and perfectly cooked.  When going to a buffet, it's important that the first plate is delicious.  It's like the lead-off guy in baseball - gets on base to set up run production to win the game.  It's the same with a buffet; the first plate has to be good otherwise it sets the tone for the whole meal.  

Now, these three steaks came from three different roasts.  Maybe they cook them on different temperatures so one is rare, one is medium, and one is well done.  Would they do that, though?  Especially with rare?  Most people order their steaks medium or well done and I'm basing that off of absolutely nothing.  I don't know what happened with that second steak.  Maybe they're cooking the roasts two at a time to meet demand.  Who knows?   Anyway, here's dessert:

A chocolate cake and cherry and peach cobbler

It's hard to lift cobblers, okay?  

Ice cream with a little bit of everything on it

Overall it's a great meal.  Heck, it's prime rib, all you can eat, $11.75!

Thanks for reading!