
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Afghan Gourmet

A stop made on the whim on my recent road trip with The World According to Rich was at Kabul Afghan Cuisine in San Carlos, CA.  Wasn't sure what to expect, but we were not disappointed.  How many times have you gone to a restaurant and ordered a beautiful piece of meat only to bite into it and feel the same way you do when you hear that the Chicago Cubs didn't win the World Series for the 102nd straight time?  Not here, though.  Check it out:

Lamb and beef kababs, chicken curry, bread and rice

We asked the waiter (who I think was also the owner) what he recommended and he suggested sharing dishes.  So let's go in for a closer look:

Kawra-E-Badenjan - battered eggplant with yogurt and meat sauce

Beef/lamb kababs

Chicken curry

The layout

Rice with a certain seasoning I couldn't identify

Bread cleverly described in the menu as...Afghan Bread

Goush-E-Feel.  Is that not the greatest name ever?

The food was terrific.  Truly terrific.  The beef, lamb, and chicken were perfectly seasoned and cooked and the flavors/spices blew me away while served in generous portions for fair prices.  Highly recommend this place if you're passing through the peninsula. 

Thanks for reading!